
The Layout set of components include a Container, Row, and Column component that help you create responsive layouts in your web application. The Container component is a wrapper that centers its children horizontally and vertically. The Row and Column components are used to create an application layout with the Material Design's columns system.


Basic Usage

You can create a layout using the Container, Row, and Column components by importing them from baka-ui and combining them to achieve the desired layout:

import { BakaContainer, BakaRow, BakaColumn } from "baka-ui";

function MyApp() {
  return (
        <BakaColumn>Column 1</BakaColumn>
        <BakaColumn>Column 2</BakaColumn>

Setting column's count

You can set the size of the columns by passing the count prop to the BakaColumn component. The size prop accepts a number between 1 and the max number of columns for the respective breakpoint.

import { BakaContainer, BakaRow, BakaColumn } from "baka-ui";

function MyApp() {
  return (
        <BakaColumn size={3}>Column 1</BakaColumn>
        <BakaColumn size={3}>Column 2</BakaColumn>
        <BakaColumn size={3}>Column 3</BakaColumn>
        <BakaColumn size={3}>Column 4</BakaColumn>

Per breakpoint column size

While the Material's design system's layout module is designed with a declining number of columns as the screen size decreases, you can manually set the size of the columns per breakpoint by passing an array to the size prop.

You can skip setting the size for a breakpoint by passing null to the array.

import { BakaContainer, BakaRow, BakaColumn } from "baka-ui";

function MyApp() {
  return (
        <BakaColumn size={[null, 3, 4]}>Column 1</BakaColumn>
        <BakaColumn size={[null, 3, 4]}>Column 2</BakaColumn>
        <BakaColumn size={[null, 3, 4]}>Column 2</BakaColumn>
        <BakaColumn size={[null, 3, 4]}>Column 2</BakaColumn>


The Material's Design System provides a single variant for the Column components: The region-left variant — intended to be used as a column for either a side-navigation or other navigation elements.

function MyApp() {
  return (
      <BakaColumn variant="region-left">{/* side navigation: ... */}</BakaColumn>
          <BakaColumn size={9}>{/* content */}</BakaColumn>
          <BakaColumn size={3}>{/* table of contents */}</BakaColumn>