
Welcome to the documentation for the "Button" component in the Baka UI Library. The "Button" component is a fundamental building block for user interactions in your web applications. It offers various styles and states to cater to different use cases.



The "Button" component in Baka UI provides a versatile set of button styles, allowing you to choose the right appearance for your application. Whether you need a filled, outlined, text, elevated, tonal, or a Floating Action Button (FAB), this component has you covered.


To use the "Button" component, import it from baka-ui and include it in your JSX code. Here's a basic example:

import { BakaButton } from "baka-ui";

// Inside your component:
<BakaButton>Click Me</BakaButton>;


FilledSolid background, suitable for primary actions.
OutlinedTransparent background with a visible border, great for secondary actions.
TextNo background, ideal for non-destructive actions.
ElevatedSubtle shadow for a visual elevation effect, perfect for prominent calls to action.
TonalBackground color matches the primary color of your application, emphasizing brand actions.
FABFloating Action Button, a circular button typically used for a promoted action.


Buttons can have different states to provide visual feedback to users:

  • Hovered: Adds a hover effect to the button.
  • Focused: Highlights the button to indicate focus.
  • Activated: Renders the button as active, typically when clicked.
  • Disabled: Disables the button, preventing user interaction.


In addition to the primary button variants, Baka UI also provides an "IconButton" variant for situations where you need an icon as the primary element within a button. This is useful when you want to emphasize the visual representation of an action.

import { BakaButton, BakaIcon } from "baka-ui";

// IconButton example:
<BakaButton variant="icon">

FAB (Floating Action Button)

The "Floating Action Button" (FAB) is a circular button that typically represents a promoted action in your application. It stands out from other elements and is often used for primary actions.

Small FABs

Small FABs are suitable for situations where space is limited. They come in three primary variants: surface, primary, and secondary.

import { BakaButton, BakaIcon } from "baka-ui";

// Small FAB examples:
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "small"]}>
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "small", "primary"]}>
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "small", "secondary"]}>

Medium FABs

Medium FABs are the default size and come in the same three primary variants: surface, primary, and secondary.

import { BakaButton, BakaIcon } from "baka-ui";

// Medium FAB examples:
<BakaButton variant={"fab"}>
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "primary"]}>
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "secondary"]}>

Large FABs

Large FABs are suitable for situations where you want to make the FAB more prominent. They also come in the same three primary variants: surface, primary, and secondary.

import { BakaButton, BakaIcon } from "baka-ui";

// Large FAB examples:
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "large"]}>
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "large", "primary"]}>
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "large", "secondary"]}>

Extended FABs

Extended FABs combine an icon and a label to provide more context about the action. They come in the same three primary variants: surface, primary, and secondary.

import { BakaButton, BakaIcon } from "baka-ui";

// Extended FAB examples:
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "extended"]}>
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "extended", "primary"]}>
<BakaButton variant={["fab", "extended", "secondary"]}>

Usage Guidelines

When choosing a button style for your application, consider the following guidelines:

  • Button Variants: Select the appropriate button variant based on the action's importance and context within your application.
  • States: Utilize the various button states (hovered, focused, activated) to provide visual feedback to users and enhance user experience.
  • Disabled Buttons: Disable buttons when the associated action is unavailable or invalid to prevent user interaction.

Real-World Examples

Here are some real-world examples of using different button variants in various contexts:

Form Submission

In a form, you can use a "filled" button for the "Submit" action to make it stand out as the primary action.

<BakaButton variant="filled">Submit</BakaButton>

Secondary Action

For secondary actions, like canceling an operation, you can use an "outlined" button.

<BakaButton variant="outlined">Cancel</BakaButton>

Non-Destructive Action

When you have a non-destructive action, such as "Read More," consider using a "text" button.

<BakaButton variant="text">Read More</BakaButton>

Elevated Call to Action

An elevated button can be used for a prominent call to action, like "Sign Up Now."

<BakaButton variant="elevated">Sign Up Now</BakaButton>

Brand Color Action

If you want to emphasize a brand color action, use a "tonal" button.

<BakaButton variant="tonal">Learn More</BakaButton>

Floating Action Button (FAB)

Floating Action Buttons (FABs) are typically used for promoting a primary action within your application. They are available in small, medium, large, and extended sizes.

<BakaButton variant={["fab", "small"]}>
<BakaButton variant={"fab"}>